As-salaamu alaykum, I’m Maalika or Persephone. Your Level 3 Pilates instructor & in-the-making Wellness Coach.

As a Muslim woman of mixed heritage (Black, Asian and Mediterranean) who has walked into countless fitness classes craving better representation, I understand the importance of creating inclusive spaces where everyone feels welcomed and empowered on their health journey.

My personal path to better wellness embodies this. I’m a revert to Islam, alhamdulillah and with that, I have changed many ways and continue to commit to unlocking the keys to life by God’s Grace.

Physical fitness has somewhat always been a part of me, from studying contemporary dance, to competing nationally as a former cheerleader and even practicing pole fitness. I now regularly participate in the sunnah of swimming as well as squash. Yet, I have seen my body strengthen and sculpt the most through Pilates. It’s really the pillar to all movement.

Professionally, I have worked in the Media industry for over 15 years. For all it’s concerns, it has massively honed my communication, public-facing and leadership skills.

The Most High knows what’s in our hearts and with that in mind, may ٱللَّٰه reward you for seeking better and give you the steadfastness to act upon it. Ameen.

Please kindly keep me in your duas. Your sister in faith and fitness, @MaalikaPersephone xxx


The Wellness Collective aims to enable sisters to commit to fitness without compromising on their way of life, Islam.

We are passionate about helping as many Muslim women as possible achieve their desired outcomes where total fitness is concerned therefore it’s important we help support the mind and spirit through coaching as well as the body through Pilates.

Our approach is both introspective and nurturing as it is important to us that you feel empowered to speak freely with a listening ear that understands the unique barriers to wellness for each individual.

May this be a productive and intentional community space for Muslim women to thrive. Ameen ya Rabb.

“Do not with your own hands throw yourself into ruin.” - The Holy Quran, 2:195