On-demand library of 100+ Pilates videos supporting you step-by-step from principles of Pilates to Pro.

Launching soon inShaAllah.

Workout anytime; anywhere.
You’re never alone.

Stay comfortable as you workout with a knowledgeable and modest Muslim female instructor on your schedule and from your chosen location. No gym membership or childcare needed.

On-Demand Pilates Classes

Get fit with a range of Pilates classes designed to take you from newbie to Pilates pro. Shift excess pounds, sculpt and strengthen your body. No previous experience needed.

Beginner to Advanced

Learn the essentials and specifics of Pilates. Whether you're focusing on better posture, hormonal-balance, connecting with your core or pelvic floor, we’ve got you covered with our module-by-module approach. No textbook required.

Module by Module Learning

Group Coaching &
Community Support

Connect with a community of like-minded Muslim women who are all on the path to better health. Our membership includes weekly group coaching sessions and access to the community to further enrich your wellness journey. Dynamic online sessions where you get your questions answered. At no extra cost.

  • "Breathing is the first act of life and the last."

    — Joseph Pilates, the creator of Pilates

  • "If you keep slamming the door shut, it’s eventually going to break.”

    — Kathy Stanford Grant, a Pilates elder

  • "The Pilates Method teaches you to be in control of your body and not at its mercy."

    — Joseph Pilates, the Creator of Pilates

  • "Pilates is about developing the body uniformly, correcting wrong postures, restoring physical vitality, invigorating the mind, and elevating the spirit."

    — Romana Kryzanowska, a Pilates elder

  • "Movement should be approached like life—with enthusiasm, joy, and gratitude—for movement is life, and life is movement."

    — Carola Trier, a Pilates elder

  • "Pilates is the thinking person's exercise system."

    — Kathy Stanford Grant, a Pilates elder

  • "It's about control, not how much you can do but how well you can do it."

    —Kathy Stanford Grant, a Pilates elder